I’ll be at the Joint Mathematics Meeting in Seattle (starting tomorrow).

If you see me there, say hi! I will have a very light schedule, plenty of time for coffee chats.

I’ll be attending many of the crypto sessions for the homomorphic encryption talks. And on Thursday at 3PM, I’ll be at the Code4Math booth in the exhibition hall. I’ll be chatting with math people who want to get into programming, mainly as field research for a future book on programming for mathematicians, the converse of A Programmer’s Introduction to Mathematics

If you can’t make it but still feel like talking to me, reach out and I’d be happy to hear your story and try to incorporate your needs into my book.

Take no notice of the fact that I haven’t yet finished my current book project, Practical Math for Programmers. I’m still working on it! I just got sidetracked by my new daughter and getting our home ready for the baby.

Want to respond? Send me an email, post a webmention, or find me elsewhere on the internet.

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